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Shamanic Dance

Dancing is very effective in enhancing physical strength, self-confidence, personal charisma and communication skills. It also reduces stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, depression, physical stress and chronic pain. In addition, it enhances the body's circulation and respiratory system. It also allows our mind to further enhance and purify, and finally experience the fullness and joy of body and mind.


What is a chakra?

Your seven chakras are the body's energy ecosystem. Each chakra corresponds to the different face of your life. It is like a map of personal life testing, from the most basic life issues, such as money, health, and Interpersonal relationships, to personal growth issues, such as life ambition, emotional state, and spiritual growth can improve your life by understanding the operation of chakra energy.


What is chakra dance?

The chakra dance combines breathing, energy operation, dance, music, meditation, healing and other elements, and uses body dancing to clean up the healing dance developed by the energy of the chakra. It helps people rediscover the way they connect with themselves. Its main function is to stimulate and reform the chakra system, wake up, open and release the body energy one by one, let your body and mind vent together in spontaneous dance, completely release the inner fear, depression, and anger.


Chakra dance is very effective in enhancing physical strength, self-confidence, personal charm and communication skills. Chakra dance can also relieve stress, fear, anxiety, loneliness, depression, physical tension and chronic pain. In addition, it enhances the body's circulation and respiratory system. It also allows our mind to further enhance and purify, and finally experience the fullness and joy of body and mind.

3-Day Dance Workshop

2,100 RMB per person



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"This is an emotional expression of the soul through dance, from the heart, into a new and fun game of childhood of interactive hugs. Is a new communication way, to engender trust and communication between each other through great dance."


Liu Xinyu -



Freedom to dance, to play the deeper side of body language, under the guidance of teacher Jolie Lu, to discover another world of dance. Very good experience.


In a warm afternoon, I experienced the dance healing course of teacher Lu in the classroom of the Lotus College. In the psychedelic and beautiful music, teacher Lu guided us through physical contact and interaction to produce an ever-changing movement. Focus on the communication between the body and the mind, to explore the creativity of the body with an open attitude - we were transformed by this exciting course.

Purple tung-


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